
How To Upload Project To Github In Windows

How To Upload Project To Github In Windows

Hello friends, in this post I will discuss about how to import project into Github account. Github is a shared web hosting service for software development projects that use Git version control system and internet hosting services.

Before that you must login into your Github account. After login, you need to download a supporting software first. You can visit this site then download in accordance with the Operating System that you use.

Once installed, create a new repository in your Github account. click the add icon on your Github account profile, then click New repository

After that, give the name of your repository, give a little description as shown below, then click Create repository

When finished, reopen the project location to be uploaded, then right click the project folder and click Git Bash Here. then, a command prompt will appear as shown below

If you first do this, you need to configure your username and email

type : git config --global "your username" press the enter key
type : git config --global "your email" press the enter key

When done, then type the following command

type : git init then, enter ( to initialize the project folder )
type : git add * then, enter ( to include all the folders and files inside the project)
type : git commit -m "your commit" then, enter
type : git remote add origin"your username"/"your repository name".git then, enter
type : git push origin master then, enter

Next, you will be prompted to enter your Github username and password. then wait until the upload is complete. When finished, refresh your repository url, and your project has been successfully uploaded.
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